Jun 12

Last weekend while Kieran and I were camping with the Boy Scouts (more on that later), Linda finished getting the garden beds loaded with dirt and planted.  Things are slowly starting to take root.  I’m not certain that all of the plants are going to survive the transplanting.  I think some of them may have gotten too big in the house.  We’ll have to wait and see.

Over the last week we’ve experimented with how to layout the soaker hose for maximum water coverage.  I’m still not sure we have it right, but we keep working on it.

You know what the best part of the garden is?  Hearing Linda squee when she sees a new plant emerging from the dirt or a blossom appearing.  That makes the whole project worth it.

Both Beds Done - Getting Watered

The plants and seeds are in and the soaker hose is working

Rectangular Bed Done

Squash, Cucumber, Carrots, Tomatos are taking root in this bed

Deck Bed Done

Raspberries, eggplant, squash, basil, and sunflowers are growing here

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