The Summer has come to an end. How can that be?! I’ve got pictures from our Labor Day vacation in Ludington to post, but I thought I’d get the boys first day of school pictures up first. It’s only two weeks since they started. That’s not so bad for me.
I can hardly believe that Kieran is now a Middle Schooler! He has been really happy with the change of schools. He’s meeting new people that came from the other elementary schools, he’s got a good groups of teachers, and he’s got many more options in the cafeteria for lunch! He’s already been placed into the advanced Language Arts and Math classes.
It has been a little weird around the house in the morning. Up until this year nobody else has been awake when I’m leaving for work. Because the Middle School bus is much earlier than the ones for elementary school, Kieran and Linda are now up with me. It’s nice to have the company, even if it’s only for a few minutes before I go out the door.
At the same time that Kieran is starting a new school, Declan and Owen are starting school for the first time! They are now in Kindergarten. Even after a couple of weeks, I still can’t believe that.
The first day of Kindergarten was only an hour long. Linda and I took them to school to meet their teacher and get to know their classroom. They went from station to station on a scavenger hunt. It was fun, and I enjoyed getting to see things too.
The second day was the first time that they rode the bus. Their bus comes about an hour and a half after Kieran’s. I went in to work late so I could go with them to the bus for the first time. They were very excited! It was a nice day outside too. After we got them on the bus and it pulled away, Linda and I were both amazed that this day had come. They aren’t old enough for this already are they?!
It was a little hard for the two of them to adjust to their new schedule. They are full day kindergarteners. So they are getting up earlier than they used to, and spending quite a lot of time away from home five days a week. There have been a few emotional moments as they get used to things, but I think they’re doing fine. During the first week both of them said they wished school wasn’t full day, but I haven’t heard that much lately.
So new schools all around this year. So far so good. Happy learning guys!